[quote=PlnrBoy]Sorry to jump in so late in this conversation but I think it is funny some of you would like to lower the pay until you get a certain number of people applying. That would be great so now you will only have the least qualified applicants working for your city and, dare I say, trying to protect and serve you. Do you want the lowest paid people doing that job? with guns? And then when whatever City cannot find qualified applicants they will offer a little bit more than the other city and skim the best people away from you (another reason benefits have gone up is to retain poeple). So I say yes to reform but no to hiring the low ballers for jobs. You know what THEY say??? You get what you pay for.[/quote]
Second this. Low ballers for jobs, end up weak employees. More competent people will qualify for higher paid jobs and thus, these jobs will be filled by idiots. I see this constantly in contract work. We have a company that is the lowest bidder for a very large contract, and the employees hired are either new to the field, or have been floating around the field for many years, unable to get ahead. Kind of like being an E-4 in the Navy for 10 years. They are not the sharpest tools in the shed.