“Please understand, wer are NOT a Property Manager and we are not responsible for any repairs to the property during this rent assignment period until notified to the contrary.”
Okay, here are the things that stand out to me.
#1) I am NOT sending rent to anyone who tells me that they expect me to pay them but won’t fix anything that is broken.
#2) If anything breaks, the owner can’t fix it because he isn’t getting any rent
#3) It isn’t my job as a renter to do family therapy and I wouldn’t try.
#4) You’re on month to month anyway, so nobody can hold you to future rent.
#5) GET OUT NOW. You got two free months out of it, consider that payment for putting up with this circus. I’m a Navy wife and have moved my kids plenty. Your son will be fine. It is Sat. Hit the pavement and find somewhere to new to live by tomorrow nite. Seriously.
#6) Congrats on putting your life back together as a single Mom. If you did that, you can do this. MOVE, now. You and your son don’t need to involve yourself in another families issues.