Please, I ask that no one interpret this thread I posted as me personally against China or prejudice, b/c I am not. Right now I just think given our economy and loss of jobs that it would be best to try to buy American. I think of it as preservation. Now, I don’t necessarily care whether it’s China, Russia, or the planet Mars.
However, at this moment in history China is pervasive throughout the world producing cheap crap that everyone buys and becoming a very strong economy at the suffering of others, including us. So hence, easy focus.
And I am not even blaming them, necessarily. I mean, here we are, American economy suffering at the hands of other countries’ economy, and we still want to buy their stuff. (yes – I know we brought it on ourselves – another topic for another thread)
When it comes right down to it, we are the ones w/the choice and rather than complain, we can just not buy it.
In the end, no one wants to work for cheap, yet many just want to buy cheap.
Anyway, it was an email and I thought for a month, it would be an experiment to try. Curious what the impact would be. I think it would be difficult.
In coming up w/my list, everyday items made here were hard to think of, other than, of course, food. We have a lot of American companies and ingeniuty, but all farmed out.
Thought of one more for those of you w/kids.
OshKosh B’Gosh. Though no longer made in WI, sold to Carter’s, but I believe still made in U.S.A.
Doing some more checking, Vans is no longer manufactured in CA. Outsourced to Asia. Same w/Converse, no longer made in USA