Please dont compare the FDNY with the FD of Encinitas or even SD. Let’s try to compare the FD of Encinitas with a comparable suburb back east.
As for the danger. Back east they deal with structure fire in centuries old buildings on a regular basis. Firefighters in urban areas back east are in these buildings almost daily. How often do firefighters deal with brush fires of any real size around here? We have major wild fires every few years around here not everyday.
As for the $150K number, I know it includes quite a bit of overtime but what percentage of firefighters work quite a bit of overtime. My guess would be the vast majority of them. Following up on that overtime, how much of it is spent actively fighting fires and how much is spent in the station on duty.
Again, I have nothing against firefighters or them being well paid. I just think the money and benefits they get around here is obscene.