Please do an improved CV monitor or drop it,Un-dedicate to me as I still fail to be gratified by it, work on the delvery of it and repost it. If you are open to that I will try to come up with suggestions.As I said there are more qualified people than me here for that. I am sure you are already able to gleen some ideas from the posts here. You never supported the bellweather argument.IMO. It just doesn’t hold up unless you define it more carefully.I don’t see the use in it unless you want to buy there, as a few of your followers do.I really don’t need a specific neigborhood “canary” My interests are broader than that.I also care about the investment opportunity angle at this time since I own my home free and clear and I like where I live. I don’t like dreamers for clients.I like to help ordinary people win at real estate in average ways.I don’t think that is going to happen in CV or other places for a while and that is why I got mad when you extrapolated those four days so badly. As you know I feel terrible about our industry. We can not deny that many people have been used in this binge.Used by our colleagues. I apologize for attributing bad motives to you.On the other hand I am excited about new opportunities and the early 90’s was fun for me,I get excited about foreclosures.I do think that ultimately there is some justice in prices coming down. I still feel that it is all “local” with a universal trend toward a bust.I take one area at a time and take it seperately. I do compare neighborhoods because the anlysis is so necessary for giving to and getting feed back from our clients and working with their parameters.