What you are saying does not sound too tin-foil-hat to me. Now I would have probably thought so last year. But in light of what we are seeing unfold before us I don’t think so now. It’s this statement that stands out
“But if you look at the magnitude of the problem, I dont see how payback will not be a beotch for the immense credit abuse of the last 10 years or more.”
Now look at this chart that was posted on BigPicture concerning the tally of Federal Rescues.
Lets all sit down and think about this for a minute…………we are witnessing an unprecedented shock to the global financial system….Period. Wo do not yet know the ramifications of this event on the real economy bailout or no bailout. Everyone of us from the posters on this board to halls of congress, to the federal reserve and the treasury dept are sailing in totally uncharted waters. Please do not underestimate the gravity of the situation we face. This is not the time to make rosy assumptions about ones prospects for current or future income. My advice is to let the dust settle.