[quote=peterb]I think You’re alluding to supply and demand forces. We can have assets increase in price in other ways besides population growth. We can also have supply constraints for any number of reasons. We can have wage growth as well to push prices up.
Cheap labour is a device to create an increase in profit margin while maintaining product price. But as we are now seeing, cheap labour comes at a societal and real $$ cost. Especially nowadays when there’s substantial social welfare in the system and the economy contracts.[/quote]
Let those who profit from the illegal labor pay for it themselves — including all the expenses incurred by the govt for any and all dependents. The businesses who hire illegal workers should be the only ones to shoulder these costs. Additionally, for those who favor illegal immigration, they can set up a fund that can be used to help pay for any additional expenses.
Illegal labor is “cheap” only because the rest of society is **forced** to shoulder the financial and social burdens of illegal immigration — subsidizing the profit margins of these companies.
Trying to decimate the middle class in the U.S. (which is comprised of all races and nationalities, BTW) is NOT going to make people in/from the developing countries any richer. There is a huge gap in the logic behind the pro-illegal immigration movement.