[quote=peterb]Dont look now, but I think Mexico is in somewhat of a civil war. At least by violent death standards.
Yes, and in states without immigrants, of any legal status, nothing gets done that pays less than $10/hour. (sarcastic remark)[/quote]
Mexico’s “civil war” relates to drug policy, not poverty. (Although, admittedly, one could argue that fewer folks would pursue selling drugs for a living if there were more opportunity. But that’s not the crux of this discussion.) If the USA either (1) didn’t demand so many drugs, or (2) didn’t put its boot on the neck of Mexico’s government to solve what is, essentially, a problem of our own making… then Mexico would be a hell of a lot more peaceful than it is. If we want to see the root of most of Mexico’s crime problems, then we can just look in the mirror.