personally, I think GMOs are an evil godsend. On one hand we have much great crop production because of things like roundup ready genes on the other we have HFCS in everything because of GMO genes.
Let me ask this? Why was this provision needed at all?
Because GMOs are political, big business and a green religion for the heritage food movement.
Basically the bill says if it isn’t currently a regulated item, then the Ag Sec *SHALL* treat it as a non-regulated item until that time they determine it needs regulation
as oppose to Ag Sec can be as capricious as they want until the non-regulated status is determined.
or more shortly: it is non-regulated until we determine it is regulated versus it is regulated until we determine it is non-regulated.
GMO and cross breeding have the same results, just different methods to get the genes desired. The downside of the GMO is it’s possible to get genes in the DNA stream that otherwise are not possible and the impacts of those are not known.