Personally I really believe that you need to get more regional to start making predictions about the various submarkets including the bottom of the market and the rate at which it will take to hit that bottom. The areas that you have mentioned, in my opinion have far more downside ahead of them then what they have already experienced. Conversely an area such as Eastlake, I believe has already shed alot of weight and while it will shed more, I feel it is much closer to a bottom then the previous areas. Out of the areas you mentioned I feel SEH is in for the biggest fall in the nearest future.
Here is an example… today I was up in Oceanside visiting a nice couple at the Summit. The news was not good. These people had a 3000 sf home and want to sell it. We looked at the active pending ratios and for homes that were 2700 feet and up there were 24 actives and 1 pending for the entire 92056 zip code. 1 PENDING!!! So this year I expect many neighborhoods to continue falling with strong numbers.
So I think that the answer to your question will hold a little more variance with respect to the amount and the timing of what will happen. For places like Scripps and CV well I am more confounded every day. Recently a SPECULATOR purchased home right around the corner from me just went into escrow. Not good… To me that indicates a slow ride down at least for Scripps…As always if we get a serious disruption in employment or interest rates we will get a more chunkier downfall.