personally, i come from a very traditional asian household where excellence not perfection was emphasized.
while i don’t subscribe to the
comprehensive ‘tiger’ pedagogy – i don’t fault parents for wanting the best for their children. who wouldn’t right? and perhaps some of the tiger fundamentals work w/in reason.
however, just like anything else i choose to not contribute to these conversations where the parent is clearly going off the deep-end. believe me, i have friends/families that talk this talk and if they have to say it in a way that is off-putting then they will be in a prison their whole life.
the prison of being judged by whatever other people think of them. i find that the people who constantly compare will always be disappointed no matter what…not much room for happiness and it’s too bad if they never realize this.
i always default to this “there is always a mountain taller than the other (Chinese idiom)”
there will always be someone prettier, richer, taller, smarter,faster than i so trying to outbeat that is a recipe for failure.