PerryChase and Rustico… Well said. I am not a politically correct person – I tell people flat out that I am an atheist. People usually don’t know how to deal with that but it doesn’t bother me. I would rather tell the truth then have to lie about it. Your fathers story is very similar to my mother-in-laws. I would venture to say that a lot of people pay lip service to all the dogma – as it doesn’t have a basis in reality and they look at the world as it is, not as they want it to be.
Hey jg… Misguided experiments? Silly experiments? We are talking about basic science. Not ‘go run amok’. Bush has pushed his agenda which is only supported by less then 30% of the people. Probably truly a lot less. There are lots of conservative senators who disagree with him. He had to use a veto (a rare occurance in government) as many Republicans crossed the line to vote with the Dems. Bush has withheld billions of dollars in aid around the world because any program in any country which has abortion as a part of it doesn’t get my tax dollars. He wants them to preach abstinence. Even though again most of the country does not agree with him. Your fairy tale views are hurting our country – and you are in the minority view.
The religious right has hijacked our country as Rustico or PerryChase explained. 3 of 4 people in this country do not support him as president. He is left only with people like you. These sick experiments as you call them are supported by the majority of Americans. I wish that Bush had as Christian views on kidnapping, torture, lying, and killing hundreds of thousands of civilians.
Bush never spoke for the country. He frightened people into voting for him. That and a little voter fraud did the rest. It is the job of all Americans to try to push out this culture from our government, and back into peoples homes and churches where it belongs.