Perry, the influx of Mexican food is not entirely a bad thing. However, what price do we have to pay for it? Increased crime, increased healthcare and educational costs, increased traffic? I like a carne asada burrito as much as the next guy, but it comes at a steep price. And to the argument that they do the jobs that we American's refuse to do. They do them because employers can pay them cheap wages under the table. Hiring a true citizen involves employers and employees actually playing by the rules and paying the fair share of taxes. Skimming the system only makes it more expensive for the rest of us that do things the right way. Another thing is that is perhaps the most worrisome is that there is a huge groundswell of illegal (and legal) Mexican immigrants who aim to conver American into Northern Mexico, rather than assimilate into society (e.g., Aztlan, MEChA, and La Raza).
European and Asian immigrants, and even Hispanic immigrants strived to become Americans…not bring convert America to their former countries. I know my forebears stressed that their children learn English and excel in education. What we often see in certain parts of the Latino community, particularly SoCal, is that they want to convert it to Mexifornia. I think similar statements hold true for some factions of the Muslim society who seek to convert us rather than try to assimilate. By assimilate, I don't expect them to completely forget their culture, but rather accentuate our own American culture with theirs.