Today, all you (still an average joe) need is someone to open the doors and to present the offer.
You have real time access to MLS and you can see the pictures of the houses before hand. You also know there are hundereds of houses availabe on the market and the exact location. Today’s I am not going to submit my best and highest offer before I see all 30 houses that meet my criterias.
The competition is more intense and the bar has been raisen. Individual (average) realtor have to lower their fees or provide more service than just opening doors and present offers.
Hear, hear !
Though one can argue that nowadays, the realtor spends a lot more time showing you 30 houses instead of just 3. Which also means, that he will not have time to close as many deals as 10 yrs ago. Of course, prices and the commission amounts are higher, so I am sure they are not starving…Now, the buyer has more info, and more choices so more of the judging and estimating has shifted from the realtor, to the average joe. I am not even sure if 10 yrs ago a realtor would put as much thought in selecting houses for you as an average joe puts now. I am not saying it’s necessarily better. Some buyers would be better off letting the whole thing in the realtor’s hands. Maybe old days were better, far less complicated for sure. fewer choices, less stress.