[quote=pemeliza]Thanks NSR, your post read like a bullet list of exactly why short sales should be abolished.[/quote]Do Piggs realize how cheap trustees’ fees are, in comparison to putting up with a squatting delinquent seller (“DS”) for months/years who’s simultaneously stripping the joint or put up with their tenant (whom the DS is presumingly pocketing cash from every month)? Only to have these DS’s then request their lender(s) to “take it in the shorts” (so they, (the DS) can get out “clean”)?
Is there some reason why the taxpaying public should CARE whether these DS’s come out “clean” … or not?
I’m sure there’s more semi-retired auctioneers out there that can assume their positions on the steps of 220 W Bdwy, SD for 2-3 more scheduled trustees’ sales per day. In this economy, I’m all for full employment of idle auctioneers.
IMO, there’s no excuse for this debacle. Absolutely none.