[quote=pemeliza]…So the buyer of 3228 probably paid 190+265 = 455k for both lots. Still a pretty good price for a 10k sq. ft. lot in that area with those views.[/quote]
Plus perhaps $15K-$30K to satisfy that pesky 2nd TD holder 🙂
Even $475K+ is less than the 2005 buyer paid for the ONE upslope lot (w/demo costs associated with it).
If this new buyer now owns 10K+ sf, he will have to adjoin the parcels if he wants to build one home covering both of them. That’s not near as time-consuming as splitting a lot.
With that size new lot (and the ability to build a second story), the new buyer can build a luxury home which can command at least $1.5M, IMO, due to second story views, with a less-sloped quarter-turn driveway.