PD – I believe God has no gender, so it follows that our Soul/Self/Spirit doesn’t either.
I am born as I chose to be born, male or female (which really is insignificant to me because the body is simply a container for the spirit).
In our boundless wisdom, we as ageless Gods, chose eons ago to create gender, so we could continue to perpetuate the illusion we call life. Why? Because it’s fun to create problems, so we can solve them, giving us something to do. “The best way to get rid of your problems is get bigger ones.”
Quite frankly, bliss is boring. Nirvana is nowhere (now here). If we truly lived in the moment, eveything would disappear and we would be left with nothing. How boring!
So, the universe was created out of nothing. Out of boredom. “In the beginning there was nothing and God said, let there be light.”
Problem number one: We now have light but nothing to illuminate. OK, we need stuff to light up. And before you know it, stuff was being created right and left, so much stuff that we will never be able to remember how we made it all. We will need forever to figure it all out. How brilliant is that?
God(s) wanted to play, so here we are, upping the ante to life on a daily basis, to give it more meaning. Ever notice the worse it gets, the better it gets, the more we are challenged. And the closer we become to ending it all (but never do), the better off we seem to be? I believe we never will end it all because we would have to go back to being bored again. Yikes!
That’s the cosmic joke. It’s just a giant game and the stakes are the illusion of death (nothingness/boredom). So, of course we pretend to take it all seriously.
(If you haven’t already, you should read “Illusions” by Richard Bach. He nails It).
Am I aware of my past lives? I believe my life is one, long moment that is illuminated forever in the now and what we call life, death, reincarnation are simply aspects of one continuous never ending transformation (or flow of ever expanding spirit), from one form into another. Today a man, tomorrow a toad (or maybe both simultaneously).
Einstein said “You cannot create nor destroy energy.” I substitute spirit for energy in this case because I know that’s what the old guy meant.
So that means we can only transform it (energy/spirit). Life is relative and we are all related (came from the same Source).
The Beatles said it best in the song entitled I am the Walrus, from the album Magical Mystery Tour:
“I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together…”