On one hand, I don’t think any human should be denied life saving healthcare just because they can’t pay.
On the other hand, there are only so many resources to go around, so we do need limitations…..[/quote]
I think those are in conflict, paramount. When and if my time comes, I will refuse medical care that merely prolongs my life a little, at great cost to society at large. It’s just like not throwing our used mercury thermometers, or other toxic chemicals, into the public water system. Sure, it may go against the grain to deny ourselves anything, but I think we all bear responsibility to exercise restraint and judicious self-denial for the greater good. We just haven’t faced up to a rational debate and conclusions on health care. Given how primitive is the public’s ability to think rationally about, and discuss, this issue now, I doubt we will tackle it well in our lifetimes.[/quote]
Patientrenter, I am with you. Not only does the medical care prolong your life, but quality of life may be diminished with said healthcare. An example would be chemotherapy, it certain cases. My father was an M.D. and he always said be careful what the doctors say…it is not always in your best interest. The mission statement of a doctor is to make you live at all costs. Is it always the best thing?
I had a friend who had a very old dog who had been dying for 2 years. When he took it to the Vet for the last call, the Vet suggested that the dog undergo many expensive tests, though it was painfully obvious that this was the end. After the tests were concluded, the Vet called back and stated there was nothing he could do. Only to look at the dog, and know the past history would have been enough to know that tests were not necessary. I realize Vets are NOT M.D.’s but this was just to illustrate a point.
Also, congrats to you for not throwing your mercury thermometers in the trash. I never throw batteries away either, though most of the people that I know do, it isn’t easy to find a recycling program. I had some neighbors years ago, that despite the blue recycling bin in the backyard, continued to throw recyclables in the trash. Laziness and entitlement.