Patientrenter: In response to your anger regarding how stupid the government thinks you are, I have two words: Gay Marriage.
Use of wedge issues like gay marriage shows clearly that the government (and their co-conspirators, the MSM) think you are stupid and it’s in their best interest to keep you distracted and uninformed.
Look at the dearth of good investigative journalism. Recent events should have triggered a landslide of stories about malfeasance, cronyism, oligarchic dealings and outright theft. We haven’t seen events like this since Watergate. Instead, we’re getting our news from Matt Drudge, HuffPost and Glenn Beck.
I’ve seen about a half dozen good, well-researched and investigated stories and the irony is that only one of them was from a financial journal. I’ve seen really good reporting from “Rolling Stone” and “Vanity Fair”, along with “The Atlantic”, but I would think the WSJ, FT and NYTimes would be all over this. Nope.
I remember a PoliSci professor I had correcting a student who was asserting that we were the best informed nation in the world. “Nope”, said the PoliSci professor, “We’re the most selectively informed nation in the world”.
There is a huge chasm between Information and Knowledge and the gubmint and MSM are counting on the average person’s inability to separate the signal from the noise. We are truly living in a post fact world.