[quote=PatentGuy] . . . When I see some Brian or BGG types explain that the 50% of my income that I (self employed) already pay in Federal, Medicare, SS, CA, unemployment, workers comp insurance, property and sales taxes (not counting health insurance) is not “my fair share”, well … it’s probably similar to how you feel about subsidizing America’s legion of self-made (type II) diabetics.
But, let’s be fair. It is one thing to subsidize “victims” of their own bad decisions, but quite another thing if someone is simply born with a medical condition. Maybe in another society where medical care was reasonably priced based on the service provided, they and their family could afford their care. But in this society, the rates for the uninsured cannot be paid by mere mortals and no one pretends they expect anyone to pay. I don’t mind paying a piece of that care, which in and of itself is trivial next to the amount of taxes I pay to the drug companies to fill a tackle box full of pills for every old person. . . [/quote]
Patentguy, I agree. I previously posted about “unlucky” persons you just mentioned with “birth defects.” See:
The current crop of seniors (WWII and “Greatest Generation”) DID NOT have warnings on the sides of their cigarette packs early on, when they first became addicted. It was NOT WIDELY KNOWN that saturated fat clogged arteries and was a killer (my mom used to keep a can of lard in the middle of her stove . . . lol). It was a “cultural thing.” That’s why the plethora of pills now that you mention here. I choose NOT to live that way. I will find alternative therapies as I get older and my need arises for remedies to physical ailments. I will NOT go the “tackle-box-full-of-pills” route. That’s just not for me.