[quote=patb]my take was the Biggest lie in the 90’s Internet
bubble was that Older people couldn’t possibly
understand the Internet.
I was an old Internet engineer from the 80’s
and was on the Working groups for 5 years.
I called BullS%^T in 98, and I’m Calling BS on
Web 2.0
I like the tools, but, unless they generate money,
what’s the point?[/quote]
Pat: My old man was a defense aerospace engineer in Palo Alto from the late 1950s through the late 1980s and I remember his having a DARPANet/ARPANet account for work with Lawrence Livermore/Lawrence Berkeley and Stanford. Those were the days when the innovations coming out of PARC, Stanford, JPL were truly driving great fortunes (think Intel, SUN, Western Digital, etc).
Web 1.0 (which devolved into nothing more than a pump-and-dump stock scam due to an immature technical and technological model) and Web 2.0 (which is nothing more than flash-and-trash hype of oversold companies like Facebook, Twitter, etc) are mere shadows compared to the real tech drivers of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.
Look how quiet Sand Hill Road is right now, in terms of investments, and all the hoopla surrounding the next “New New Thing” (greentech). Its all BS built around the original innovations and creations, all of which are long gone. While our 20-somethings are dicking around with social networking, engineers in India and China are preparing to hand us our asses.