Parypup-I agree. One level they are playing the key stone cop role of bumbling idiots trying to do the impossible. OTOH, They can’t all be that stupid.
Why, things that are unsustainable will eventually become sustainable usually in an unpleasant way if not dealt with. It’s hard to tell the masses that the whole absurdly ridiculous economic arrangement that they have been pushing and swearing by over the past 40 years could only end in collapse or war. It requires constant expansion and energy inputs to keep from collapsing, both of which were in short supply. Ponzi schemes based on infinite debt can’t last forever. It’s childish to even think so.
This state mandated bubble was put in motion under Clinton and absolutely ensured under Bush along with an ill gotten oil grab, which is nice to have if you monetary system is bunk and you need leverage on the world stage.
The die is cast, the Right is giddy over Obama’s imminent failure and the Left is deep in cognitive dissonance as the Bushies where when George was playing his bull in a china shop foreign policy based on lies.
Now the revolution meme is coming out of the Right and I’m sure they will offer a solution to all our problems. It will be a person of faith and campaign slogan will be “blame the black guy” with plenty of scapegoats and boogie men and the masses will flock.
Despite all our rage we are still just rats in a cage….