Let’s sum it up, the winner will get 269-280, very tight. Let take 2004 results and flip NM and IA. That gives 269 tie. Let give CO to Obama. +9 for dems. Throw in NV(5), dems +14. However, McCain can easily win all with PA(21) to get 276. [Ohio and PA are similar, but not the same] If Obama loses PA, it will not be because of Hillary. She has made so many speeches on his behalf. If her supporters dont vote for Obama, it will be mostly the Bradley effect and fact that Biden didn’t really bring over any voters.
If NV stays red and PA turns red, but IA+NM+VA+CO goes blue then 270-268 for Obama. 50-80,000 people at Obama rally in VA tonight is scary, but most are going to see the Boss? Isn’t Springsteen going to most of Obama’s rallies?
So, only five states in play: NM, NV, VA, CO, PA.
Obama is the underdog, even though he will likely win popular vote by millions. If he loses PA+VA and thus the EV, then there could be massive disullusionment in this country that has not been seen since the 70’s and would cause minorities to stop voting forever. I’m sure many will celebrate that outcome.
BTW: Don’t blacks vote 90% for dems most elections because they are looking for social programs? How is voting for dem this time suddenly racist on their part? If Obama were Rep and blacks were voting for him 90%, then you could say they were racist.