Its hard to tell if the remaining undecided white voters are “hold outs” because of race or because Obama is such a terrible candidate or if the polls are just plain wrong.
My guess is it is more likely because he is himself is such a terrible candidate not race related to a significant degree.
I say that because Obama has about half the white vote in the polls while Obama has 90% of the Black vote. If Obama has half the white vote then the way math works then one cannot say that a much higher percentage of the undecideds is related to race.
Your right about the double standard. I mean who would you say is more racist? A group whose racial profile fits Obama and gives 90% support or a group whose racial profile is different from Obama but still gives 40-50% support.
On a side note. This putting the coal industry out of business comment should hurt Obama in Penn, Ohio because they mine a lot of coal there.