[quote=partypup]Will this mean that you can’t get your hands on a bag of rice in the event of a collapse? Of course not. But you’ll be fighting with other hungry and impatient folks at Ralphs who want the same thing, and the rice is going to be a LOT more expensive. Do you like crowds, Breezy? [/quote]
Breeze, seriously, have you ever shopped at the Albertsons in City Heights? It is really chaotic EVERY day. The workers refer to it as “the jungle.” People already live like this, and they can still access food. Once I watched a guy walk out of the store with several bags of food, and the workers were running after him yelling that he was a thief. Ummm, that’s it, nothing else happenned. I live in North Park, but shop in Clairemont because the chaos, disruption, disrespect is too unpleasant.
City Heights is the ghetto, but when push comes to shove, even the fabulous groceries in Temecula (I love them so!) will go ghetto when crisis arises. Don’t think it won’t affect the suburbs, it will actually be worse, because ghetto residents are already used to living in perpetual crisis, but suburbia won’t know how to cope. They will be in a panic and buying up the store, and they will not be deterred. Sheesh, people get trampled to death on Black Friday. And, that is just for a sale on some item they don’t really need.
So, yes, you will be fighting with a soccer mom’s husband over a can of soup. Obama won’t help you. Better safe than sorry.