Your cogent analysis is not going to sway anyone. Add some color to your story like this:
“Intuitive researcher and lecturer David Wilcock discussed his prophetic dreams and confirmations of major social realignment beginning this fall, potential for an ET disclosure from the U.S.
…Illuminati’s plan to reduce the world’s population through economic collapse, Swine Flu, and war & conflagration. His “inside sources” have informed him that America is on the verge of a horrific set of economic events, including the dismantling of the Federal Reserve.”
Why waste any time providing “color” or listening to Wilcock’s crap about prophecy when the data released by the U.S. gov’t, itself, provides all the evidence necessary?
You want cogent analysis? Ride down any street and count the number of “Closed” and “For Lease” signs. Do the math and use your common sense. Don’t listen to quacks spouting drivel about prophecy.
Swine flu and war are other topics that have no place in this discussion.[/quote]
Lighten up. When I post a serious response like my second one on Leuthold, I get no responses. Hence, you get treated to my riddles as recommended by my analyst TG.
My Illuminati post was comedic intervention (and a subtle analogy). Just as you consider ghost channel (coast-to-coast) as quack talk, there are others here (Greenspan fans) who may consider your ideas slightly wacky. 🙂
[The irony of your response is just precious]
If you want to have a serious discussion, you may want to read viewpoints that aren’t 100% in agreement with yours. What do you think about the following?
“As a result, he’s already adding more physical gold holdings to his portfolios: 2.5% now but likely to hit 10% by 2011. Non-dollar based assets – including Brazilian bonds – consume 45% of his asset allocation and seem likely to remain there.”