[quote=partypup][quote=Aecetia]Hang in there partypup. I know you are a survivor and you will emerge triumphant. This might even force you to do something else that would be more to your liking. Things happen for a reason.[/quote]
Thanks, Aecetia. I think you’re right. Believe it or not, my next ambition is to have an organic farm. Not a lot of money, but I’m thinking sustainable food may be extremely important in the future. Plus, I miss being outdoors![/quote]
Good luck partypup. Your industry would be in worse shape if the 2009 movie industry wasn’t doing great.
“According to Hollywood.com, 2009 revenues are at $3.25 billion, up 16.4 percent from last year’s. Accounting for higher ticket prices, movie attendance is running 13.7 percent ahead of 2008’s pace.” What recession?