partypup, before I go making an amateur, on-line diagnosis of paranoid personality disorder, I want to make sure I understand what you’re saying.
Do you actually think that our government is purposely enabling a massive die off of humans on the planet?
I’ll step in for pp here with a couple of points. First off only a fool would believe such a thing. The US government has millions of employees and is incapable of doing much of anything. However, there may be small groups of individuals that span nationalities and control vast wealth that would have an interest in doing just that. The Georgia Guidestones are evidence that there are at least a few people that believe the world’s population should be limited to 500 million people, AND that they are wealthy enough to waste several hundred grand building giant granite monuments in the middle of nowhere, AND that they desire to remain anonymous. Go read about them and see if you get as freaked out as I did when I learned about them.