Partypup, Arraya, I am with you–what a sad state of affairs.
The train has left the station, and the world is on the brink of chaos, despair and death. Anyone remember the movie “Soylent Green” with Charlton Heston?
Many people don’t seem to pay attention and don’t seem to care. Many people are just too busy trying to meet basic needs, so that there is not much left over to worry about the greater good. Many others have been dumbed down by the media and have lost any critical thinking abilities. They just don’t know any better or prefer to wear the rose colored glasses, because otherwise, they might have to do something.
Aaaah….well…that was a bit off task. Ron Paul seems okay, but it could be that folks are just grasping at straws. Not crazy for Hilary or Obama either. The next election is going to be a tough one.