Part of my emotional struggles with this topic is because of experiences I have had. First I am not gay and have never wanted to try being with another man. My experiences are:
1. I have had male friends who are homosexual.
2. I have worked professionally with homosexual men (and possibly women but they didn’t let it be known.)
3. I used to work on a hotline (non-denominational) for 2 to 3 years in my early twenties. One night I had a call from a young teen-age male. He was crying and extremely upset. I waited for him to calm down. He said that he didn’t have a mom and that his older teen-age brother was molesting him and that his dad was somehow involved. It was one of the worst calls I ever had and I wasn’t able to do anything about it.
4. During my twenties I went with a bi-sexual female I was dating to a gay dance bar one night and then another night to a lesbian bar – which was more fun for me to watch 🙂 Anyway, at the lesbian bar I met this young woman and we talked for a long while. She told me that she wished she had never experimented with being a lesbian. She regretted it.
5. I personally wonder why is it that a male-male or a female-female couple will usually/almost always have one partner who appears to be the traditional “male” role and the other partner who appears to be the traditional “female” role?
All that being said, I do believe that the human brain can be physiologically different from one human to the next. And I do believe that our sexuality is part of our brain functions. Therefore, I believe, sexual choice/attraction/whateveryouwanttocallit can also be less of a choice by some – not 100% all – people just as it is less of a choice to be left handed rather than right handed.
One other experience – not that mine matter 🙂 – but when I was in high school one of my friends – he was bout 15 at the time – pulled up his shirt and showed us half circle cuts on his chest. He told us – I don’t know why but we were all close friends – that he has begun to grow breasts and that he had surgery to have them removed. We all just said wow that’s weird and then we went out and partied that night 🙂 But that is also one of the experiences I have had which has led me to believe that human beings do not have control over their bodies and if I extrapolate that experience then human beings (some) do not have a choice in their sexuality either.