The primary beneficiaries of Prop 30 are the capitalist parasites who don’t pay market rate property taxes, particularly the commercial/industrial RE owners and landlords whose profits are all heavily subsidized by taxpayers, including those dreaded public sector workers who pay every bit as much in taxes as you do, and probably more if you’re not a W-2 worker.
Time to fix Prop 13 and make it applicable to a single primary residence ONLY. Our state’s budget problems have nothing to do with unions, and everything to do with Prop 13. Do some research, paramount, and stop regurgitating the propaganda from Fox News.
BTW, you still didn’t answer my question in the other thread: are you one of those people who constantly votes for bonds without ever thinking about where the money is supposed to come from to pay them off?
There are many reasons for our financial mess, but unions are NOT the ones who bear primary responsibility.