Show me where in the Constitution does it state that the federal gov’t can legally confiscate my property and give it to someone else?
Please excuse my “hippie granolaness” but I am not speaking from a legalistic, material, “rational” point of view. I am just trying to make the point from an appreciative, grateful, life is awesome point of view that if I ever reach a point in my life where I am paying tens of thousands of dollars in taxes each year, I will be counting my blessings and joyfully skipping through life, not being bitter and hiring lawyers and debating the legality of it all.[/quote]
Do you get that there is a connection between being able to achieve those blessings and gov’t confiscation of your property.
If our Founding Fathers had your attitude we’d still be British subjects. I enjoy life, but that doesn’t mean I go through life with my head in the sand.
For me personally, Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness means being able to keep what I’ve worked for and not giving inordinate amounts of tax money to gov’t workers or supporting others parasitic lifestyle.[/quote]
For God’s sake, Paramount, quit being such a drama queen. If you think that everything you make comes about solely because of the work YOU do personally, then go do it in Mexico, Somalia, or any number of no-tax/low-tax countries. Let’s see how successful you are.
Oh wait, that’s right…it’s difficult being a government contractor in a country that doesn’t collect taxes! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
Yes, there is a direct connection between taxes and the ability to achieve the blessings mentioned in citydweller’s post. You’re incredibly naive and ignorant if you don’t understand that the social, legal, military, and physical infrastructure provided by the govt is DIRECTLY responsible for a person’s ability to become successful in this country.
Nobody is confiscating anything, and if you feel you’ll be better off in another state or country, stop whining and leave already.