NOBODY is condoning the corruption that happened in the city of Bell. NOBODY. That’s why the leaders there are being charged. They committed a number of very serious crimes and tried to work their way around laws and rules that cap income and pension benefits for public employees. That is not the norm, and it is not acceptable to any decent, hard-working public employee.
If you want to note cases of fraud, I can top everything you show with cases about individuals in the **private sector,** including people who bilk taxpayers via no-bid contracts, sales of grossly overvalued assets to govt entities, contracts for work that doesn’t exist, favorable zoning laws for projects that are detrimental to local residents (bribes to govt managers), roads/bridges being built that specifically benefit one party at the expense of all taxpayers, etc.
The huge bulk of fraud and abuse in government is a result of scams that originate in the PRIVATE SECTOR where there is much less oversight and transparency.