[quote=paramount]UCGal your comments are only meant to stroke your own ego IMO. [/quote]
Not my intention. I wasn’t trying to brag… My niche skills are that – I couldn’t do database stuff without some training… I was trying to ask about definitions. Sorry you took it as ego stroking – it wasn’t intended that way.
As far as your definition of “engineer” – I guess I qualify since my very NON elite undergraduate degree (BSEE) came from ABET accredited SDSU. My graduate program was also public school (PSU) and qualified. Looking at ABET.org – UCSD would also qualify – they have 7 accredited engineering programs.
I guess that’s me stroking my ego… Woot woot – I went to public schools! Yay me.
It’s funny – my husband is a registered architect and gets really annoyed that software types call themselves architects. Legally, only registered architects are supposed to use the term… (It’s part of the california state business and practice laws that govern architects in CA.)
Again – I was only trying to understand a definiton. Sorry.