[quote=paramount]One way to play the game: Right now investors are in US dollars because relative to other currencies it is still safe.
However, as other economies improve (Europe, Brazil, China) there will be an outflow out of US $$ into euros and other currencies – probably by the end of 2009.
This will start the hyperinflation period so many are talking about.
Here is the play: Starting in the 2nd half of 2009, start buying gold or gold stocks (GG)and foreign stocks.
Well, that’s according to Jim Jubak of MSN Money.[/quote]
The other economies will be hurt worst then ours.
In, Europe’s case, because they were basket cases to begin with and in China’s case because they will discover that all that trade they had with their Asian neighbors was based on one big supply chain leading to the US.
Europe’s Euro has a bleak future simply because they EU never ratified the EU treaty. Sooner or later they will go back to Marks, Pound.
China’s currency doesn’t even float. Its not even a real currency.