[quote=paramount]IMO firefighters and police are well overpaid (in general), but what many who feel this way fail to understand is that there is a large segment of people in our population who patronize and worship police and firefighters. Yes, it’s strange I know but also true.
Do I appreciate what they do? Sure, but I refuse to put them on a pedestal like so many other misguided fools.
And yes, bring volunteer firefighters back – hell I’ll even volunteer myself – and when you weirdo worshipers approach me there will be no need to drop to your knees.[/quote]
I Couldn’t agree more Paramount. Firefighters ARE overpaid for that 1% (or less) that they put themselves in harms way. I have an uncle who was a fireman for 30 years and he would be the first to admit that the job is easy money.
The general populus has ingested the *firemen hero-worship* kool-aid……probably around the time of 9/11.
Speaking of 9/11……..if another plane smashes into a high rise how many firefighters you think will be running in there? NONE! They will be stringing yellow caution tape around the perimeter to keep everyone, including themselves from going anywhere near it. YOU CAN BET ON IT!
The only reason that those poor bastards willingly went in there was because NONE of them thought those things were gonna come down.
Cops on the other hand have a much riskier job. In my opinion they should be insulted that Firemen get mentioned in the same breath.
BTW…..no I am NOT a cop and don’t know any personally.