IIRC, you’ve linked that before. The messenger looks like a joke, so even if he has something legitimate to say, nobody will take him seriously. That’s a shame.
Of course, I strongly believe those in power present us with false dichotomies and use emotionally charged issues to divide us and distract us from the most important actions and events going on around us. To be sure, the people who control this country (and the world) are not our politicians, but the people who control our politicians and the entire political process…and everything that surrounds and enables it. We are made to believe that we have choices, but we do not; almost all of the political puppets are controlled by the same puppeteers.
No matter the ethnic or religious makeup of these people, they need to be challenged and stopped. There is no doubt about that, IMO. They know that people are gradually waking up which is why you are seeing the ramped-up spying against “domestic terrorists” and the militarization of the police (and notice how, when they talk about pensions or other reforms, the police are almost always specifically excluded…this is not a coincidence).