[quote=paramount][quote=CA renter]Because government agencies are seen as deep pockets by those who want to sue them. This is precisely why the standards for public employment are so high (as high as they can go relative to the hiring agencies’ resources). One of their top priorities is hiring people who are not a liability to the public agency.
Most police departments are looking for an obedient cross between psycho and sociopaths with a light criminal background IMO.
Meanwhile, the Cream of the Crop work for companies like these:
Goldman Sachs
Various BioMed Companies
Research Hospitals/Univ
Seriously CAr, it’s true. The cream of the crop in general are NOT govt workers.[/quote]
I strongly disagree. The people who work for those companies might be the cream of the crop in their respective fields, but they wouldn’t necessarily be the cream of the crop as far as the law enforcement candidate pool is concerned (probably would NOT be, as a matter of fact). Different requirements and talents required — it’s apples-to-oranges.