BTW, you still didn’t answer my question in the other thread: are you one of those people who constantly votes for bonds without ever thinking about where the money is supposed to come from to pay them off?
If I understand your question, I campaigned strongly against Measure Y, which was a “bond measure” in the Temecula school district.
This recent election was a real wake up call in so many ways, and BTW I am not a republican at all.[/quote]
Not just bond measures for schools, but for multiple other uses like transportation, parks, etc. People like myself, who don’t have kids in public schools, have to pay for those whose children attend public schools.
Everybody likes to complain about paying for someone else’s benefit, but we ALL have to do this in a civilized, democratic society. Nobody is exempt. I just find it funny that, all too often, the ones who complain the loudest are usually some of the biggest beneficiaries of public funding and are also those who are already paying some of the lowest effective tax rates.