[quote=paramount][quote=CA renter]
BTW, our states are not going broke because of the unions. They are going broke because of the boom/bust policies of the Federal Reserve.[/quote]
Actually it’s due to both and while were at it, let’s
throw in illegal immigration.
Forced “austerity” for private sector workers has long been in place; now it’s the public employees turn. It’s already started in Wisconsin and spreading.[/quote]
Yes, as I mentioned above, illegal immigration is a HUGE burden on the state’s budget.
I’m still trying to understand why someone would want to pull the rug out from under themselves in the name of envy. Private sector workers have fallen behind, relative to those in the public sector, because they allowed themselves to be brainwashed by the elite into believing that “unions are bad,” and “debt equals wealth.” They fell behind because of their own ignorance and apathy. They refused to fight for their own rights, and instead, want to tear everyone else down with them, rather than use the leverage afforded by the unions in the public sector to improve their own conditions.
BTW, have you noticed that as the sheeple in the private sector were being squeezed to death, corporate profits and executive compensation have been going up, up, up! They are making record profits, even in the face of “The Greatest Recession Since the Great Depression.” The money has been shifted up, and the sheeple are so stupid that they are willing to turn against the few who are fighting for workers’ rights, rather than focus on the cause of their dwindling wages and benefits. It seems some are hell-bent on racing to the bottom. Do you really want to compete with wage earners in the poorest countries on earth? Be prepared, because that’s what you’re advocating for…after all, THEY don’t get the wages/benefits that YOU have, so who’s going to stop the bleeding once the unions are gone? The unions are the only thing holding up the dwindling remains of the middle class in developed nations. Once they are gone, look out below.
Again…will someone PLEASE step up to the plate and give a well-reasoned argument that details how private sectors workers will benefit from the demise of public sector unions. Please use history, facts, and logic, rather than emotionally-based, hysterical rants.
Note: “I don’t get these wages/benefits, so neither should they,” (especially when one does not have a comparable job) is NOT a logical, fact-based, or well-reasoned argument.