Paramount, I remember when you were discontented, ESPecially with the commute time to/from SD. But I don’t think you’ll have to worry about TV becoming “unpopular” due to comments made on a single blog.
There are TOO MANY prospective BUYERS out there who want a *newer* and *bigger* house for less money. They don’t CARE where its located.
There seems to be a HUGE HOMEBUYING CONTINGENT in “Gen Y” who doesn’t give a rat’s ass about a big lot (too much work) and doesn’t CARE if they have to commute ~1 hr+ to/from work to get the house they want at a particular price point … at least they don’t seem to care at the time they sign on the dotted line…
There will ALWAYS BE a “captive homebuying audience” for TV but they won’t have as much net worth, income or longevity as homebuyers in more convenient SoCal locations do.
It these factors don’t bother you, they don’t bother me 🙂