[quote=Parabolica]The problem with defined contributions plans as I see it is that the vast majority of working people lack the financial sophistication required to invest for their retirement. They are consigned to investment company sharks by their ignorance and the limited choices available to them in their company 401(k) choices.
Harvey, how does the average person taking your prescription save for their own retirement? Do they know about index funds? Do they get idea of changing the equity/bond ratio as they approach retirement? If they look for advisers can they avoid the sharks? I say that they cannot begin to match the returns and stability provided by professional managers of defined benefit programs. Do you see it differently?
The corporations were allowed to strip workers of defined benefit plans, moving liabilities off their books, and giving employees the ‘freedom’ to chart their own financial course. It is like handing someone a parachute and kicking them out of a plane for the first time so that they may have the ‘freedom’ of learning how to reach the ground without perishing. Those stripped of defined benefit plans are angry that their employees, government workers, have not been been rendered naked as well. Understandable, but not pretty.[/quote]
I don’t blame companies for moving the liability off there books. Are there any cities or government organizations that are in really good shape with their define benefit pension plan? The only thing that would make those government workers whole is an unlimited tax payer backstop. I think it’s virtually impossible to offer a define benefit plan that is somehow based a the last few years of salary while working and includes a variety of incentives to attempt to cheat that calculation.
If government employees want a shared defined contribution risk pool that pays out some defined benefit based on the total funds available and sound actuarial investment returns that’s fine with me. But if there’s problems within the fund let the risk pool of employees participating in such a plan bear the risks of poor performance or under contributing. That seems like a fair compromise to me. If the government employee union opts for higher payouts in retirement then contribute more during working years. If the funds are poorly invested then let those employees within the fund chose if they want to contribute more or accept lower benefits. Why should they be some special class of citizen that’s gets a tax payer funded bailout in retirement.