So, for the “short thinkers”, and at the sake of being labeled a “jingoist” (actually had to look that one up)I have to ask again, because it seems to fall thru the cracks: What are YOU, as an American, willing to do to help fix what Gov alone cannot ?
Please join me in asking Jeff Bridges to respectfully drop the Hyundai ads and support the country that helped him become the deservedly rich celebrity that he is.
If you have a better idea HOW TO DO YOUR PART TO HELP, I am willing to listen (as long as it it has nothing to do with buying imported car brands).
HIE-YUN-DIE does NOT rhyme with Sunday. YOUR job could be next.[/quote]
Errrr…So luck (or lack there of) isn’t relevant to a business………..[/quote]
Eerrrrr…..So you have no positive solutions or ideas ?
Just redundant, negative comments about America, it’s cars and it’s blue collar workers.
You have no desire to be a small part of the solution ?
You’re satisfied to be part of the problem ?[/quote]
Paddy: I like a truly elliptical argument as much as the next guy, but you have this backwards.
We, as American consumers, don’t have any responsibility to go “Buy American” unless we so choose. I buy American cars (Ford) because I choose to and I happen to like their stuff.
The responsibility lies with GM and Ford to design and manufacture vehicles that consumers all over the world want to buy. Period.
That’s how business works. The company makes a good product that’s competitively priced and the consumer, based on his/her preferences, buys it. End of story.
This Stalinist approach of yours (“buy American or your job is lost!”) smacks of not only organized labor, but is jingoistic. It’s telling me that if I don’t buy American, I’m somehow not patriotic.
Buying a GM product isn’t patriotic, it’s a consumption choice. Defending my country against all enemies, domestic or foreign, is patriotic and I already did that part, so I’d appreciate it if you don’t lecture me on my patriotic duties, okay?
Rather than hectoring Jeff Bridges about his duties as an American, you might want to write an open letter to the Chairman of GM and tell him not to waste this precious second chance and to design and build great cars at a fair price. We know they can do it because they’ve done it before.