[quote=paddyoh]Well crafted, superbly articulated and compelling arguments on both sides here.
I would like to say more but my time is limited right now.
My call to action still stands. Ask Jeff Bridges to stop with the Hyundai ads and start rooting for the home team. The team that helped make him deservedly rich in the still-greatest country in the world.
HIE-YUN-DIE does NOT rhyme with Sunday.
Check out the latest opinion on my request and let me know what you think:
My Usual Disclaimer: I am a HUGE fan of Jeff Bridges. It pains me to single him out but, it pains me even more to listen to his voice-overs for Hyundai considering the crisis mode our country is in.
I am only suggesting, not demanding, that he stop shilling for Hyundai and use his major clout to help the blue collar workers and the Big 3 Automakers.
Nothing more. Nothing less. It’s all documented.
Do you mean Big 2? Chrysler is now owned by Fiat, which is European.