…It’s like when black kids complain that the SATs are racially biased and, as a result, their scores are lower. Do you know what Asian kids do in the same instance? STUDY HARDER.
I started working at 10 with a paper route ….
… “You want a friend? Buy a dog”.[/quote]
There you go again Allan.
Totally off point, full of negativity, self-righteousness and vitriol. And, as usual, no positive solutions.
Why not calm down and channel all that anger into something constructive.
Join me in graciously asking Jeff Bridges to relinquish himself as spokes person for Hyundai and dance with the date that brung him.
Paddy: It’s not vitriol. These are simply observations that have come from life experiences.
I guess I’m a little old-fashioned in the sense of expecting folks to have a work ethic, be somewhat stoic in the face of adversity and learn to adapt.
I’d juxtapose that with the attitude that expects something for nothing, blames others for their misfortunes and feels permanently entitled.
I have laid out what I think are perfectly valid solutions and based on successful examples. You discount those examples because they won’t afford you the opportunity to guilt the American consumer into buying those products you deem patriotic (and, interestingly, provide you with a well paying union job as well).
I’ve suggested reading Schumpeter, which is not only topical and timely but relevant in light of your position and Scarlet’s. I might also suggest reading up on the Smoot-Hawley Act and the repercussions following it’s implementation, as I think that might be instructive as well.
Of course, you’ll pooh-pooh that as being part of the “past” and we all know that history has nothing to teach us.