[quote=pabloesqobar]…Again, sorry about your family member. But 1 isolated incident in another State does not support any conclusion about the prison guards in CA.[/quote]
I just want to add that the incidences CAR and UCGal’s relatives who were prison guards experienced happens nearly every week in every state in one or more institutions. There are layer upon layer of regulations and procedures those employees must follow but it’s always a judgment call. Very often, they’re damned if they take action and damned if they don’t (and damned if they take the “wrong kind, not enough,” or “too much” action). Besides these heavy “inmate-control” responsibilites, these institutions are often a hotbed of political discourse and hierarchy inside (“classification” be damned) for those who work there. The unsuspecting “new hire” or “transfer” doesn’t understand all these “ins and outs” until they have been stationed there awhile (and hopefully latch onto a “mentor” they can trust). It is very easy for an employee (new or experienced) to walk into a “situation” in there or have a “situation” walk into them that will end up being a cause of them being disciplined or their ultimate discharge.
It doesn’t help that there are many lawyers in CA who will sue the state on a prisoner’s behalf for prisoner neglect or maltreatment. This keeps an entire fleet of attorneys in each major AG’s office perpetually busy (also taxpayer funded).