I recommend crate training. It sounds a bit uncivil but is best for dog and owner. Many dogs end up loving the crate as a safe place. Get a bigger crate than you need but make it smaller by putting some boxes in it. The dog wont want to sh%t where it sleeps. You need to take the dog out every 2 hours and take it outside immnediately. Always praise postive behavior! In a week or less it will learn that it goes outside if you stick to it. When you take it out to play the first week it must be 100% supervised and as soon as it tries to go inside you say NO and take it outside. Dont leave the dog outside during training as it wont get the discipline part.
Here’s one last tip: When we got our cocker spaniel we hung a bell on a string from our front door. We found a dog shaped leather thingee with 2 jingle bells on it fittingly enough. Every time we took her out during the training period we took were paw and rang the bell with it. Within 2 weeks she associated going out with ringing the bell. Not only was she completely house trained but she would ring the bell anytime she wanted to go out. People who came to our house were amazed by this stupid pet trick. It was very easy to do.
As you probably remember, I had to put her down about a year and 1/2 ago. I think I may still have the bell. If you are interested, I’ll see if I can find it.