[quote=OwnerOfCalifornia]Recurring theme that one should plan on spending money for “quality labor and materials” for artificial turf.
What does this translate to in ~~~ $/sqft (contract cost, pre-rebates)?
Cheap Material can cost upwards of 2 dollars a sq ft. Quality material can go as low at 2.50-2.75 a square foot but you need to hunt for it.
Labor varies a lot. If you call up some of the larger mainstream companies, their total price includes their labor and its the only way to warranty the product. You will pay a premium for that warranty and I am not sure the value of it is worth it. Or you can hire someone that says they do it and save a buck. The last approach (recommended) is to use the turf company’s recommended vendor list.
I looked at roughly 10 different companies material companies, some of which were a one shop outfit all the way up to looking at synlawn and easy turf. I didnt see the value in dropping 9-10 per sq ft to get synlawn or easy turf.