[quote=outtamojo]My point is, nobody lives in a chart
or on a graph. Let’s just go ahead and count and report things the way YOU want to count them – I am fine with that. A simple question:will that make more living breathing people not have jobs?[/quote]
No, but the fact that people still have too much debt will make more people not have jobs, IMHO.
Falling housing prices were never the problem — it’s actually the **solution** to the problem. The problem always was — and still is — too much debt and too little income. They’re doing precious little to solve that problem, outside of discussing principal reductions. If they allow principal reductions, there is a whole new bag of problems they will have to deal with, and they/we will incur even greater losses than if they had just let lenders foreclose and home prices fall to normal levels, IMHO.