[quote=outtamojo]Ha ha, I visit my parents there(Oakland) every couple of months,18 ave and Foothill, and I can tell you that nothing, absolutely nothing has changed in any meaningful way from the time I lived there 1967- 1989. Sure they built some nice row houses and restaurants along Jack London Square but it is still not a place where you don’t keep an eye out by any means. Its too bad my parents were too stubborn to get out of there in 05 when they had a better chance to sell their 100 yr old house.[/quote]
outtamojo, what HS did you graduate from? And did you really hate growing up there?
Maybe your parents like living there :=) If their ‘hood is 100 yrs old, it must be quite interesting. Is their property currently benefiting from the Mills Act and/or Prop 13?? Maybe you might not want them to sell it, outtamojo. As an heir, this would be an awesome property to inherit in this state, IMO.
Around the time the OAK Coliseum/Arena (now Oracle arena) was first built, we went there to see the BB Ringling Bros circus. After the show, a large group of Hells Angels got into a tussle with the cops and just ripped up the parking lot . . . lol. Everyone in line to leave the coliseum had to turn off their engines and remain in their vehicles for well over an hour while they cops called in some tear gas units :={